Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Fun!

The Auarium

Carter and David inside the fish tank.

Addi and me inside the fish tank!

The Gang

Carter loved bowling but wasnt strong enough
to carry the ball.

Ready for the pool!

Our quick trip to Payson. when we got there
the Tanto Natural bridge was closed.

The fort room at the childrens museum.

Carters favorite part of the childrens museum,
the kids ride there bikes through the car wash.

Best friends weighing the beans at the museum
grocery store.


First pair of earings.

Lazy days.

Staying cool in 116 degrees.

Too cool.

Best buddies.

They go everywhere together

Monday, May 31, 2010

Out of Africa Zoo

Our day at the zoo was awsome. The Zoo keepers actualy played with the tigers!

We saw all the animals up close and personal.

Did you get tickets to the gun show?

Chris actualy walked most of the zoo barefoot! david gave it a try but only lasted about 20 minutes.

Yes and those of you who know Carter well, this was his favorite part of the zoo. He cried when we left the trucks behind.

They must be brothers. We got to see they play together!

Proud Grandpa.

Carter fed them, but only David would pet them.

The Adams boys.

Addison actualy realy liked the animals and payed much attention to the giraffes.

He came to say hello!

Carter was a little scared and actualy cried when the giraffe got too close. Chris gave the giraffe a big kiss!

This was for sure one of the better zoo's we have been too. Thanks Dad for the trip.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The fire station

Of All the things to see Carter liked the tires the best!

Future firefighters